Collin Associates  - International area of operations


© Collin Associates - 2021


Tel: 01388 777255

Training Courses

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We offer a range of courses as listed below. To book a place on a course please download and print our Reservation Form. Many are frequently run as public courses throughout the UK. Please refer to the latest training schedule.

BS EN ISO 9001:2015

    >Internal QS Auditing
    >Auditing of Suppliers
    >Implement the Standard
    >Procedure Writing
    >General Awareness

 ISO45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety


QS 9000 Tools and Techniques

    >QS 9000
    >QS 9000 Third Edition
    >Adv Prod Quality Planning
    >Statistical Process Ctl

Environmental management

    >Introduction to ISO14001
    >Implementing ISO14001
    >Envronmental Auditing
    >Identifying Env. Aspects
    >Environmental Awareness

H R D Courses

    >Presentation Skills
    >Team Building
    >Instructional Techniques
    >Time Management

All courses can be run in company. Where possible, they can be made company specific.

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